Thursday, March 29, 2012

ESL Lesson: Internet Part II

This blog entry is about helping you better navigate the internet in the English language. Here are some more terms to help you know more about internet web browsing:

URL: This stands for "uniform resource locator." In other words, this is where you type in the "address" of the website you wish to visit. Normally businesses', clubs', individuals', etc. websites feature .com, .net, .uk, etc...while schools might feature .edu and governments might feature .gov

Attachment: This is a file that you can send along as part of an email. The message of the email will appear as will a chance to view/listen and/or download the file, which might be a word document, excel document, image, video or audio file.

SPAM: This is unsolicited emails sent to a mass number of email addresses. SPAM is the internet equivalent to junk mail. Some email servers offer users spamblockers to counteract and remove these annoying spam emails.

CC: This stands for carbon copy. Select this option when drafting an email if you wish to send the email to multiple recipients. Recipients can see other recipients email addresses in carbon copy emails.

BCC: This stands for blind carbon copy. A blind carbon copy is used to send a message to a large number of recipients without them being able to see each other's addresses.

Email List: This is a subscription you can sign up for including announcement lists, discussion lists, ezines, email newsletters, etc. For instance, your favorite website to shop at can send you notifications for sales and coupon codes or your favorite newspaper can send you periodical updates with headlines and links to articles.

Emoticon: This is an internet cultural phenomenon that uses punctuation marks like the colon, semicolon and parentheses to represent facial expressions like a smiling face.

For instance, combine the colon and the right parenthesis (control + 0) and you get this smile :)

Combine the colon and the right parenthesis (control + 9) and you get this frown :( 

Combine the colon and a capitalized letter D and you get a big grinning smile :D

Filter: A search or filtering function within your email collection. Find emails with certain subjects or keywords using your filter.

Signature: A promotional device used at the bottom of email posts submitted by senders to recipients automatically showing things like contact information, title, an inspirational quote, etc.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

ESL Lesson: Internet Part I

This blog entry is all about writing English on the internet. Now, the English language has a lot of different rules and usage, but the English language on websites and messages over the internet takes some unique characteristics. There are slang terms, abbreviations (or acronyms) and cultural idioms born from internet use and popular culture. Perhaps you have seen some of the following terms while using the internet. Keep in mind that these are all very informal instances or writing

AFK: Away from keyboard....announcing that you are taking a break and stepping away from your computer
ATM: At the moment 
At this moment
B/C: Because
Blog: Web log; a site like this one to read posts by writers.
FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions...a part of a website where pre-written questions and answers are displayed for web browsers. 
FB: Facebook
FWIW: For what its worth
FYI: For your information
GTG OR G2G: Got to go 
IIRC: If I recall correctly
IM: Instant messaging...a communication service for real time chatting with other users. This is like email, except very fast since it is instant.
ISWYM: I see what you mean
LOL: Laughing out find something funny or humorous.
TTYL: Talk to you later
TTYS: Talk to you soon
W/: With

ESL Lesson: Writing Business Letters

This blog entry is all about writing business letters. Our previous blog post discussed writing letters in general, but business letters are a bit special. Business letters are letters used by professionals to communicate with colleagues, bosses and clients as well as potential ones. A business letter might be a cover letter, which a job-seeker sends to a potential employer stating his or her case for candidacy for employment. Business letters also include company memos, inquiries to other businesspersons and responses to clients’ or customers’ complaints. Business letters should use formal English rather than informal English. Words should be spelled out, contractions should be avoided, slang should be eliminated, and proper titles and a respectful tone should be used. Write out your name, company, address, city, state/province and mailing code in order at the top left-hand side as shown below. Do this in every mailed letter, but especially in every business letters. For business emails, use a signature that reads like a business card(name, title, contact information).  Here is an example:

Tomas Servo
Universal Exports
1111 Main Street,
Hartford, CT

Dear Mr. Henry Johnson,

It is my distinct pleasure of inviting you to our open house at the Ritz Carlton next Wednesday, April 4th, at 1pm. We were very impressed by the cover letter and resume you sent us last week, and I think you would be very interested in the positions open at Universal Exports. I believe it will be a wonderful opportunity for me to learn more about what you bring to the table and to discuss what employment at our company is like.

Please tell me whether you are able to come by calling me at 555-123-4567.


Tomas Servo

Have you ever written business letters before? Do you have any questions or comments about this or any other ESL subject? Leave them in the comment section and we will answer them. Stay tuned for more free advice on this and other subjects as well as promotions and news! If you want individual tutoring and help in learning English, contact Kingston University USA today!!

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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

ESL Lesson: Casual Letter Writing

This blog entry is all about casual letter writing. Casual or informal letters are letters sent to friends, family members or acquaintances for friendly or fun purposes. A casual letter might be a thank you note, an invitation to an event, a question, a request, or a friendly reminder or update. The form of a casual letter is similar to a business letter but the tone is different.

Consider the casual letter below:

Jack O’Brien
82 2nd Street, Apt. 7
Whosville, IA 10001

Hey Sarah,

What's up? I was so happy to hear you moved back into town and wanted to extend an invitation to you. We're throwing a dinner party next week at Tim's house and we would love for you to come. Stop by around 7 p.m., and feel free to bring other guests (the more, the merrier!).


Notice the use of informal English with slang words or contractions. That is OK in casual letters to friends, whether by hand and in the mail or through typing and sent by email.

Have you written a letter before? Do you have any questions or comments about this or any other ESL subject? Leave them in the comment section and we will answer them. Stay tuned for more free advice on this and other subjects as well as promotions and news!

If you want individual tutoring and help in learning English, contact Kingston University USA today!!

Kingston University USA 
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Free ESL Lesson: Writing Letters

This blog entry is about writing letters in English. Writing letters is a very common mode of communication across the world and a very important step in becoming literate and an engaging communicator in the English language. 
Whether by paper (or snail mail, as it is often called) or email (internet mail), letters are used both formally and informally to pass on information or make requests. Students use letters to communicate instructors and administrators. Workers use letters to request information from colleagues and bosses or to inquire about their job or new opportunities. People use letters to inform, ask for help or catch up with family, friends and acquaintances, usually in an informal fashion. Here are the basics of writing letters:
A salutation is a greeting. In letters, the word “Dear” is the most commonly used and appropriate salutation. For instance, a salutation for a letter might be “Dear Mr. Chen” or “Dear Debra.” For letters to friends or family members, just the first name is used while business letters feature titles such as Mr. (Mister), Dr. (Doctor), Prof. (Professor), etc. The salutation takes up an entire line.
The body is the message of the letter. While the other parts feature greetings, formalities and contact information, the body features sentences or paragraphs about informing, asking or requesting information or action from the recipient. Sometimes people refer to the body as the letter itself. In cases of informal letters to someone you know well (like an email to a friend), the body might be the entire composition of the letter itself.
The valediction is a sign-off or goodbye to end the letter. It follows the body, and is then followed by the written name and/or signature of the sender. The most common valedictions are sincerely or regards. So, a valediction might look like
John Smith
Jane Doe
Kind regards,
Other valedictions are more informal, intimate or friendly such as your friend, your sister/brother, xoxo(very casual shorthand for hugs and kisses), love, and take care.
So, combining these different elements, let us look at a sample of a simple letter written in English.

Dear Professor Watson,
I would like to thank you for writing the letter of recommendation in my favor for graduate school. Your positive recommendation helped me get accepted, and I am very grateful for this. I know you did this despite having a busy schedule. Your dedication to your students past and present is a testament to your character and professionalism. I hope we can keep in touch. Thanks again.
John Smith

A friendly letter, perhaps through email, might look like this…

Dear Bob,
I was writing to see what your upcoming weekend plans were. Tammy and I were planning a camping trip for this Friday, and we were curious if you wanted to join us. Let us know and we will pass along all the details.

Have you written a letter before? Do you have any questions or comments about this or any other ESL subject? Leave them in the comment section and we will answer them. Stay tuned for more free advice on this and other subjects as well as promotions and news!

If you want individual tutoring and help in learning English, contact Kingston University USA today!!

Kingston University USA 

Live Locally. Learn Globally.
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Friday, March 16, 2012

Benefits of Online Education Emphasize Accessibility of Higher Learning amidst Threats of Global Economic Crisis

This article is from PR Web
The recent global economic struggle has crippled many countries in one important aspect necessary for their recovery – education. It is one of the most important building blocks of society and its loss would be profound. For this reason,, an education-oriented website, has put effort in helping more and more people realize the great potentials of online learning. With various articles relating to different online courses currently featured on its homepage, visitors are given a more concrete view of how learning through the internet could help land them a great job in the future or simply further their education.
For many people, learning usually takes place in a classroom or any place that could serve the same purpose. Recent technological advancements have opened up doors for more unique means of acquiring education. “The ever expanding world of the internet has become a medium for people to do all sorts of things,including online learning. The public accessibility and convenience of online communication makes long distance interaction so simple that teachers have the chance to educate a wider range of students, from different places, all at once,” points out Greg Wells of

Students should explore online learning style

This article is from tcu 360
Many college students seek online classes because they need a more flexible academic schedule. I have done a great amount of schooling online and, although there are tremendous difficulties that go along with it, I have to say it is pretty rewarding.
Students who cannot afford to go to school and simultaneously work a full-time job often seek classes that will fit around their busy lives. My first year of college I worked 40 hours a week in a factory, headed home to do my schoolwork, then went to sleep and repeated this process for two semesters.

Bay Area Graduate Studies School, Lincoln University, Celebrates Staff, Faculty and Students

This article is from the San Francisco Chronicle
Bay Area Graduate Studies School, Lincoln University, a private, nonprofit, nonsectarian university, recently held an appreciation event on Feb. 22 to celebrate staff, faculty and students.
"We've never had this kind of event before, but we decided it was necessary to do something new to show appreciation to all our staff, faculty and students," Annique Dalley of Lincoln University said.
The event gave staff, faculty and students access to great deals across many industries. For example, everyone had access to discounted tickets for restaurants, movies, wellness centers, etc. The event and idea was a success.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Sales Performance International Announces Solution Selling(R) Online Sales Training Program

This article is from Market Watch The Wall Street Journal
Sales Performance International (SPI), a global sales training and performance improvement firm, announced today the launch of its Solution Selling(R) Online Sales Training Program. The comprehensive online program provides sales organizations with everything they need to successfully implement a world-class training program and integrate best practices into their business -- without having to retain outside services. In addition to comprehensive online training for sales and management roles, the program provides the necessary resources for sales leaders to effectively implement a complete "sales system" for their organization.
According to Keith Eades, CEO of SPI, "While eLearning provides a cost effective approach for distributed learning and mid-enterprise companies, training alone is not enough for improved sales performance. We've created this program for organizations that want world-class sales training, but who also want to completely integrate the new skills and methods into their business -- at their own pace and with their own resources."

PLATO Learning Launches Robust Online Electives Offering

This article is from Virtual Strategy Magazine
PLATO Learning, a leading provider of online education solutions for pre-kindergarten through adult learners, has partnered with Calgary-based eDynamic Learning to deliver an expanded offering of online electives courses. Together, they provide schools and districts with the curriculum needed for core and elective courses to effectively prepare students for college and career.
The Secondary Electives Library includes 24 semester-long courses for students in grades 9-12 including psychology, sociology, forensic science, music appreciation, and photography. This diverse offering of electives keeps students motivated and engaged in the learning process and gives them the opportunity to pursue their choice of a broad range of interests.

Florida Tech Launches Master's Degree in Supply Chain Management 100% Online

This article is from Market Watch The Wall Street Journal
 Florida Tech University Online today announced the addition of a master's degree in Supply Chain Management to its highly regarded offering of graduate and undergraduate degree programs. Since the degree is delivered 100% online, working professionals are able to earn this prestigious distinction without having to put their career on hold.
With a reputation of academic excellence since 1958, Florida Tech is ranked a Tier 1 Best National University and recognized within the Top Online Education honor roll by U.S. News & World Report. An established leader in the field of supply chain management, Florida Tech has been offering the degree on campus and military bases for decades. This is the first time the quality curriculum will be available online for students across the globe.

AIU academy to mix online learning with work

This article is from Post Gazette 
Next fall, students who are interested in attending a cyber charter school will have a new option -- one that combines online learning with workplace experiences.
The Allegheny Intermediate Unit this week announced the formation of the STREAM Academy, a K-12 cyber school that will focus on science, technology, research, engineering, arts and mathematics, during an event at its Homestead headquarters. The event was attended by education and business leaders along with academy and AIU staff.
The new school is an offshoot of the Pennsylvania Learners Online, the online cyber charter school the AIU operates.

U.S. News-Ranked Jacksonville University to Support Nurses With Complimentary Continuing Education at

This article is from Market Watch The Wall Street Journal
 Jacksonville University, a leader in nursing education online, is proud to announce that it will once again be sponsoring a free nurse CEU (continuing education unit) course through For 60 days beginning April 1, 2012, registered nurses will be able to complete Resumes: The Recruiter's Perspective - a $10 value - at no cost on
Resumes: The Recruiter's Perspective helps RNs build the skills to craft resumes and cover letters that will make prospective employers take notice. The course can be taken conveniently online, and enables nurses to meet part of their recurring state continuing education requirements.

University of Illinois Law School falls 12 spots in U.S. News ranking

The admissions scandal at the University of Illinois Law School cost the well-regarded program in an influential ranking.
The law school fell 12 spots to No. 35 in the latest U.S. News & World Report rankings published this week, which are a measure of a school's reputation. U. of. I. suffered the biggest drop from last year's rankings of any school in the top 50.

Cisco and University of Phoenix Team Up to Deliver New Network Programs for Students

This article is from Market Watch The Wall Street Journal
 University of Phoenix today announced an agreement with Cisco that will create new programs dedicated to providing the body of knowledge needed to attain the Cisco CCNA(R) certification. Cisco is an industry leader in network support, and the associate-level CCNA certification is vital to those seeking to enter or advance in the high-growth field of system networking and support.
Job growth for network administrators, network support specialists and computer network architects is projected to grow by more than 20 percent by 2018 according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. With this opportunity comes a need for highly trained workers familiar with the latest networking technology and systems.

Monday, March 12, 2012

ESL Students Adopt Mobile Education in High Numbers To Learn Writing

This article is from pr Mac
Niles Technology Group, creators of the #1 writing apps for the iPad and iPhone, has seen its share of ESL students steadily rise. ESL students have recognized the importance of writing skills in their academic success and are using mobile technology to improve writing and critical thinking skills. Complete with a live writing assistant and editing services, Niles Technology's ESL apps deliver more writing instructional content and services than any other product in the App Store. 

ESL students face several issues when studying at English-speaking high schools and universities, with one of the toughest being writing. Most students learn to speak English long before before they gain writing proficiency. This often leads to struggles in humanities courses and on standardized writing tests. Niles Technology's ESL apps are all-in-one products that teach students how to think, organize and write essays in English. And to ensure students get it right, a live writing assistant and editing services are available to further improve their work.

Literacy Volunteers help adults with reading, ESL

This article is from News and Sentinel 
A fifth of all adults in West Virginia have difficulty reading beyond a fourth-grade level, according to the National Institute for Literacy.
The Literacy Volunteers of the Mid-Ohio Valley, a member agency of the United Way Alliance of the Mid-Ohio Valley, is working to change that.
The Literacy Volunteers is a community-based nonprofit organization serving adults 18 and older in Wood and Wirt counties who need to learn or improve their reading skills and who need to learn English as a second language.

Book award program benefits ESL students

This article is from Lake County News
A new program started by the Mendocino College Foundation is providing financial assistance for books to English as Second Language (ESL) students, and the foundation is seeking additional funding to benefit more students.
With donations from the Ukiah Branch of the American Association for University Women (AAUW), the ESL Book Award program began in fall 2011.
The AAUW and the Sons of Italy, Ukiah, have agreed to donate funds to continue the program in the fall of this year.

Free e-Learning Webinar Demonstrates New Features for Collaborative e-Learning

This article is from PR Web
Lectora® will host a free webinar that demonstrates how to utilize the new features for collaborativeonline e-Learning development with Lectora Online version 1.6.2. Conducted on March 14, this session will show attendees how to create highly engaging e-Learning content for their training using the new Live Model Gallery and other updates in Lectora Online.
“This free session will show attendees how to tap into all of the new features for e-Learning development in the latest release of Lectora Online,” said Peter Bray, Chief Marketing Officer atTrivantis Corporation. “With access to the new Live Model Gallery which includes thousands of quality photographs, Lectora Online users have a whole host of unique possibilities to engage their learners. Our expert Lectora trainers will demonstrate how to make the most of this fantastic resource and how to best utilize the other new features in Lectora Online for their e-Learning content.”

Maine Heritage Policy Center holds online learning conference

This article is from
Maine's Department of Education has been exploring new ways for students to learn, including the idea of online and virtual learning. 

Friday, the Maine Heritage Policy Center, a conservative think tank, invited people from companies that specialize in online learning to present their ideas to educators and school board members from around the state. 

Single-District Virtual Ed. Seen Growing Fastest

This article is from Education Week
Single-district online learning programs were the fastest-growing sector of virtual learning in the United States in 2011. Whether it is to provide more options for students, keep more students from seeking virtual learning options outside the school district, or simply to move toward 21st-century teaching and learning, many districts are launching and sustaining their own virtual learning programs.
As districts move in this direction, they are taking a harder look at how they will evaluate their local models of virtual education, which is gaining popularity even though reviews on its effectiveness compared with that of more traditional approaches are still mixed.

Ask the experts: Online Learning 2012

This article is from Financial Times
Online programmes have traditionally occupied the cheap-and-cheerful end of the management education market, but recent advances in software, combined with the growing fashion for tablet devices, electronic books and podcasts, have lured quality business schools into the market. But are employers convinced about this new generation of programmes? And are these premium MBAs, masters degrees and executive programmes worth the investment, in both time and money?

Health care lawyer Clement as high court regular

This article is from
Paul Clement used to argue for the federal government's power until he started arguing against it.
But he's no flip-flopping political candidate; he's a lawyer. Changes like this are part of his job.
Clement is playing a key role in three politically charged Supreme Court cases in which Republican-led states object to Obama administration policies or federal laws on health care, immigration and redrawing political boundaries.
In the biggest of those, the 45-year-old law school acquaintance of President Barack Obama will be trying to sink Obama's health care overhaul.

Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi Chooses In4Grants™ to Support Strategic Research Imperative

This article is from The San Francisco Chronicle
Texas A&M University Corpus Christi (TAMUCC) has chosen In4Grants™ from InfoReady Corporation to support the university's strategic goal to significantly increase and support research, scholarship and creative activity.
With specific strategic performance targets to increase research expenditures by more than 50 percent ($30 million by 2015), increase proposals submitted by 10 percent, encourage and support interdisciplinary and collaborative research and submissions of interdisciplinary proposals, TAMUCC needed effective tools to support faculty and staff to meet these goals. By selecting In4Grants software from InfoReady Corporation, TAMUCC has given access to 250 users, including faculty, researchers and collaborators from partnering institutions. Using In4Grants, these users can quickly find grant funding opportunities, research commercialization awards and federal contracts from multiple federal agencies, foundations and other sources in one Web-based software tool. The users can then set up In4Grants information collaboration workspaces for internal and interdisciplinary proposal development and research using familiar social media tools.

Syracuse University to Host Debate on Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act at National Press Club March 29

This article is from Market Watch The Wall Street Journal
Panelists will debate constitutionality of the PPACA and whether it's good public policy
Syracuse University is set to host a thought-provoking debate on the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) at the National Press Club on March 29. A panel of experts will be assembled by SU from the Cato Institute, the National Senior Citizens Law Center and Princeton University along with a moderator who has over three decades of experience on Capitol Hill, to debate the constitutionality of the PPACA and whether it is good public policy. The debate will serve as the inaugural event for the Syracuse University Greenberg Speaker Series and comes a day after the Supreme Court of the United States will have heard an unprecedented six hours of arguments on this very issue. This event will take place in the Main Ballroom of the NPC at 7 p.m.

Holy Family University helps introduce phones, handhelds to Tanzania village

This article is from
Getting to the school in a remote Tanzanian village meant 22 hours of travel, including three plane rides and an exceedingly bumpy, four-hour Jeep trek.
But Sister Francesca Onley, the 79-year-old president of Holy Family University, is glad she made the trip.
With money from a United Nations organization, Holy Family teamed with a Stanford University professor to give handheld learning computers and phones to teenagers who live in impoverished conditions who had little previous experience with technology.
"It was good for the soul," Onley said of her journey to the village of Newala in the east African country. "If everybody would do that once in their lifetime, they would realize that no matter how poor they are, they're not as poor as these people.

University General Health System Announces Agreement With NeWeigh for Expansion of Bariatric Services

This article is from Market Watch The Wall Street Journal 
University General Health System, Inc. (otcqb:UGHS) (pinksheets:UGHS) ("the Company"), a diversified, integrated multi-specialty health delivery system, today announced that its flagship Houston-based University General Hospital has finalized a three-year agreement with Vital Weight Control, Inc. (d/b/a NeWeigh), a pioneer in surgical weight loss. NeWeigh, a patient advocacy group, was founded in 1991. Its mission was to provide a multi-disciplinary program to assist people who desired treatment for morbid obesity. NeWeigh's services include motivational support; access to psychological and dietary counseling; non-medical, medical and surgical treatment options; and pre- and post-operative support groups. Additionally, NeWeigh offers assistance to those who are seeking insurance approval for treatment of this condition.

Friday, March 9, 2012

In the schools: Clarkstown South students raise Make a Wish funds; more

This article is from
Guests braved the dreary weather to support a fundraising dinner Feb. 29 at the Jesse J. Kaplan School.
The dinner coordinated by the Rockland County Welcome Committee and the Nanuet Lions Club raised more than $3,000 to support scholarships for Rockland BOCES adult English as a Second Language (ESL) students who are continuing their education through a CareerTrack program.
The buffet-style meal featured five family recipes from BOCES ESL students: Carmelle Mehu Milien and Dunie Ferdinand from Haiti, Regina Rivas from the Dominican Republic, Rolando Martinez from El Salvador and Matanat Imanova from Azerbaijan. The recipes were chosen from the “Bring Your Ancestor’s Best Family Recipe” contest open to upper level ESL students.

National Geographic Learning Secures Significant Customer Adoptions in Florida and Texas

This article is from The Sacramento Bee
 National Geographic Learning, part of Cengage Learning and a provider of quality educational and ELT materials for the K‐12, academic and adult education markets, today announced significant adoptions of their K-5 Science and K-8 English as a Second Language (ESL) products in Floridaand Texas, respectively.
National Geographic Learning (NGL) Science has been adopted by 21 school districts in the state of Florida, including Hillsborough County, the third-largest district in the state. This innovative and forward-thinking science product is a newcomer to the K-5 science sector and has achieved 28 percent market share in the state – reaching more than 320,000 elementary students. These students will have the opportunity to experience a research-based program that brings science learning to life.  Covering all aspects of science – science inquiry, science content and scientific literacy – NGL Science works with educators to immerse students in the nature of science, unlock big ideas, build scientific and content literacy, and get students to think objectively as scientists. The product was created to be customizable, so as to target the specific individual science standards in any given state.

Read more here:

SES teacher wins grant from Johnston Ed Foundation

This article is from The Selma News
Selma Elementary’s John Altamirano was recently named a recipient of one of the coveted Johnston County Education Foundation’s grants.

Altamirano is an English as a second language teacher (ESL) at the school, and he received a grant for $370 for a project he calls “Do You Speak English?”

According to Altamirano, he will use the funds to enhance his ESL classes, so that his 31 second and third grade students can learn English in a way that suits their individual needs.

Welcome online courses

This article is from European Voice
Europe's higher-education institutions are perhaps confronting their biggest crisis ever. A sag in state funding and the mismatch between research output and the need to drive innovation-led growth are converging to create a 'gathering storm'.
For the European economy, let alone its higher-education sector, the stakes could hardly be higher.
In the midst of this turbulence, there is little doubt of the growing importance of digital education to the future of European prosperity.

Online learning 'could look at business practices'

This article is from Virtual College
Educators rolling out e-learning platforms could benefit from analysing the successes and failures of companies that have used this strategy.
Director of Glasgow Caledonian University's Caledonian Academy Allison Littlejohn said during a Chat Live discussion hosted and published by the Guardian that oil corporation Shell has been using global knowledge networks in a pioneering manner.
She noted her higher education institution has been using similar online learning tools to improve the effectiveness of education for students in the Netherlands and UK.

New Report Urges Online Learning Expansion in Texas

This article is from Texas Insider 
The Texas Public Policy Foundation would like to see Texas follow Florida’s lead in increasing access to virtual schools.
A report from the Texas Public Policy Foundation suggests that virtual education and blended learning both present the opportunity for cost savings and academic gain in Texas.
“At the K-12 level, the potential of virtual education is enormous,” said the report’s author, James Golsan. “Through the use of technology, students in rural districts would have access to the same educational resources as students in more populated areas. Familiarization with technology could prepare students for the work force more quickly.”

Columbia University Medical Center's Program in Narrative Medicine Partners with VA to Improve Veteran Care

This article is from Market Watch The Wall Street Journal
Health care professionals require specific training if they are to successfully treat veterans who have experienced the unique physical and psychological traumas of war. In an effort to increase the satisfaction of veterans and their families with the care they receive at Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) hospitals and clinics, Columbia University Medical Center's (CUMC) Program in Narrative Medicine is hosting a first-of-its-kind three-day workshop, "Challenges in VA Health Care: A Narrative Response," from March 9-11, 2012.
The workshop aims to equip VA doctors, nurses, social workers and therapists with the narrative techniques to form therapeutic alliances with veterans and their families and improve communication and respect among members of the VA health care team. Participants will learn narrative approaches to clinical interviewing, ways to develop enriched therapeutic relationships, and reading and writing interventions that will enable them to better hear and understand patient experiences.

University of Calgary: Calgarian invests $10 million in mental health

This article is from Market Watch The Wall Street Journal
The University of Calgary's Hotchkiss Brain Institute (HBI) has united with local businessman Ronald P. Mathison to create a centre dedicated to finding innovative treatments and providing early intervention for mental illness.
Located at the University of Calgary's Foothills Campus, The Mathison Centre for Mental Health Research & Education offers support and new hope to families in Calgary, throughout Alberta, and around the world. The centre was made possible by a $10 million investment from Mathison, president and CEO of Matco Investments Ltd.

Webster University Announces Inaugural "2012 Global Leaders In Residence" Program

This article is from Market Watch The Wall Street Journal
Webster University and the Office of Corporate Partnerships are pleased to announce the inaugural Global Leaders in Residence program. The announcement was made by Dr. Elizabeth Stroble, President of Webster University.
The Global Leaders in Residence program extends the University's long-standing commitment to partnerships around the world. Beginning in 2012, Webster University will host distinguished individuals who are considered thought leaders in their fields from across a wide spectrum of disciplines. These invited leaders will be tapped from the University's global community, including St. Louis and throughout the U.S., as well as Geneva, Leiden, Vienna, London, Thailand, and China.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Acme Packet University Charts the "Course" for the Next-Generation of Interactive Communications

This article is from Market Watch The Wall Street Journal. Here is an excerpt:
Against the backdrop of a complex, dynamic, and sometimes confusing marketplace, Acme Packet(R)APKT -0.40% , the leader in session delivery networks, today announced the first annual Acme Packet University, a day of discussion and discourse to clarify and set the stage for the future of the IP communications industry. This invitation-only event for media and analysts features company executives and industry thought leaders, and will be held Thursday, March 15, 2012 at the Harvard Faculty Club in Cambridge, MA.

Higher education is an investment we can’t afford to neglect

This article from The Olympian discusses the importance of supporting American institutions of higher learning. Here is an excerpt:
There is no doubt that legislators face difficult choices, but continuing to erode our higher education system is nothing more than shortsighted. And while I am very grateful to see that the recently proposed House higher education budget begins to reverse the trend and prioritize higher education – it still includes $30 million in cuts to four-year institutions alone. I am also very encouraged to see the House budget propose a $12 million investment in science, technology, engineering and math degree production. This is a critical investment for the technology and aerospace industries. Western and our other higher education institutions can play an important role in helping respond to the increased need for graduates with bachelor degrees in engineering and other STEM areas.
But the situation is clear. If our institutions are forced to take more cuts, the result will be increasingly limited access to higher education for Washington students, particularly the middle class, and a long-term blow to Washington businesses that rely on an educated workforce that we simply won’t be able to provide. I hope that our leaders in Olympia will make the right decisions this session, ones that will put us on track for economic recovery and long-term success.

Read more here:

Technology Director Turns Cellphones Into Classrooms

This article by Jennifer Howard at the Chronicle of Higher Education is about new ways technology can help people learn. You can read an excerpt here:
For students in South Africa, mobile phones aren't just for texting. They're often the surest route to the Internet, especially for the many who have little or no reliable computer access off campus. And, as in much of Africa, cellphones are ubiquitous. A 2007 study found that 98.5 percent of the country's university students had one.
Laura Czerniewicz thinks a lot about how students really use those phones in a higher-education setting. She's an associate professor of education at the University of Cape Town and the founding director of the Centre for Educational Technology. Ms. Czerniewicz used to work in commercial publishing. She made the jump to higher education in part to figure out fresh ways to get content to people who need it. She now heads the OpenUCT Initiative, which makes Cape Town research and teaching and learning resources openly available online.

Texas vulture study upends forensics

This article is from Seattle pi
For more than five weeks, a woman's body lay undisturbed in a secluded Texas field. Then a frenzied flock of vultures descended on the corpse and reduced it to a skeleton within hours.
But this was not a crime scene lost to nature. It was an important scientific experiment into the way human bodies decompose, and the findings are upending assumptions about decay that have been the basis of homicide cases for decades.

Experienced investigators would normally have interpreted the absence of flesh and the condition of the bones as evidence that the woman had been dead for six months, possibly even a year or more. Now a study of vultures at Texas State University is calling into question many of the benchmarks detectives have long relied on.

Protests in California AGAINST Educational Cuts

This article by Greg Lucas of the Associated Press is about the recent protests against education cuts in California. You can read an excerpt here:
Dozens of protesters angry over fee hikes and budget cuts at California's public universities were arrested on Monday night during a boisterous but peaceful demonstration inside the state Capitol building.
The arrests capped a day in which hundreds of students and others marched on the statehouse and rallied outside the Capitol before many of the activists moved the demonstration inside the building, clogging hallways in and around the rotunda.
One group chanted, "No cuts, no fees. Education must be free," as they sat crossed-legged on the black-and-white tiled floor of the statehouse.

English Courses In USA – A Fun Way to Learn While Travelling

This article by Travel Daily News International discusses how some people are learning English by visiting the USA. Here is an excerpt:
Most travel falls into two broad categories: travel and tourism for pleasure and travel for business. Frequent travelers usually refer websites like the for information and latest updates. One of the niche tourism sectors is educational tourism or travel mixed with learning. The most popular edu-travel packages are undoubtedly the ESL language study abroad courses available at a number of ESL partner language schools located in over 40 countries worldwide. English, the most popular language in the world, is also the most widely learnt and there are a maximum number of ESL partner schools offering English language training in England, USA, Canada and Australia.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Texas District Selects Android Tablet for ESL Students

This article is from The Journal
A Texas school district is deploying 100 education-oriented tablets across several middle schools specifically to assist with ESL programs.
Garland Independent School District will distribute Brainchild’s Kineo tablets for use with the company's Achiever! software to help English language learners prepare for STAAR testing, the Texas state assessments.
The ESL students will use the tablets for individualized instruction. When Achiever! is used online, students can view lessons in both English and Spanish. The company's remedial software, Mechanics, will also be used with some students to help build fundamental skills.

MSD Creates Parent Outreach For ESL Parents

This article is from Milford Live
Milford School District is moving forward with its initiative to reach minority communities with the institution of a Parent Resource Center. The program focuses on reaching out to parents that are historically not engaged with the public schools in the Milford area. With a growing ESL (English as a Second Language) population in the Milford School District it has become critical for school officials to use a proactive approach to incorporating these families into the district.
On Wednesday, February 29 Director of Student Support Sylvia Henderson visited First State Manufacturing with several principals and teachers from the Milford schools. The Parent Resource Center creates an outreach program for parents at their place of employment during their lunch hour. First State Manufacturing has opened its doors to school officials so that the school can speak to these parents directly. This is a unique opportunity for both the school and the parents to engage with each other about the specifics of their child’s education.