This blog entry is all about writing English on the internet. Now, the English language has a lot of different rules and usage, but the English language on websites and messages over the internet takes some unique characteristics. There are slang terms, abbreviations (or acronyms) and cultural idioms born from internet use and popular culture. Perhaps you have seen some of the following terms while using the internet. Keep in mind that these are all very informal instances or writing
AFK: Away from keyboard....announcing that you are taking a break and stepping away from your computer
ATM: At the moment
At this moment
B/C: Because
Blog: Web log; a site like this one to read posts by writers.
FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions...a part of a website where pre-written questions and answers are displayed for web browsers.
FB: Facebook
FWIW: For what its worth
FYI: For your information
GTG OR G2G: Got to go
IIRC: If I recall correctly
IM: Instant messaging...a communication service for real time chatting with other users. This is like email, except very fast since it is instant.
ISWYM: I see what you mean
LOL: Laughing out find something funny or humorous.
TTYL: Talk to you later
TTYS: Talk to you soon
W/: With
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