Thursday, March 29, 2012

ESL Lesson: Internet Part II

This blog entry is about helping you better navigate the internet in the English language. Here are some more terms to help you know more about internet web browsing:

URL: This stands for "uniform resource locator." In other words, this is where you type in the "address" of the website you wish to visit. Normally businesses', clubs', individuals', etc. websites feature .com, .net, .uk, etc...while schools might feature .edu and governments might feature .gov

Attachment: This is a file that you can send along as part of an email. The message of the email will appear as will a chance to view/listen and/or download the file, which might be a word document, excel document, image, video or audio file.

SPAM: This is unsolicited emails sent to a mass number of email addresses. SPAM is the internet equivalent to junk mail. Some email servers offer users spamblockers to counteract and remove these annoying spam emails.

CC: This stands for carbon copy. Select this option when drafting an email if you wish to send the email to multiple recipients. Recipients can see other recipients email addresses in carbon copy emails.

BCC: This stands for blind carbon copy. A blind carbon copy is used to send a message to a large number of recipients without them being able to see each other's addresses.

Email List: This is a subscription you can sign up for including announcement lists, discussion lists, ezines, email newsletters, etc. For instance, your favorite website to shop at can send you notifications for sales and coupon codes or your favorite newspaper can send you periodical updates with headlines and links to articles.

Emoticon: This is an internet cultural phenomenon that uses punctuation marks like the colon, semicolon and parentheses to represent facial expressions like a smiling face.

For instance, combine the colon and the right parenthesis (control + 0) and you get this smile :)

Combine the colon and the right parenthesis (control + 9) and you get this frown :( 

Combine the colon and a capitalized letter D and you get a big grinning smile :D

Filter: A search or filtering function within your email collection. Find emails with certain subjects or keywords using your filter.

Signature: A promotional device used at the bottom of email posts submitted by senders to recipients automatically showing things like contact information, title, an inspirational quote, etc.

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