Thursday, February 2, 2012

English Language Courses at Kingston University USA

English Language Courses at Kingston University USA

Are you learning the English language? Have you considered enrolling in English language courses at Kingston University USA? All English Courses at Kingston University USA are self-contained and designed by English speaking tutors to help you learn our language regardless of what your current level is. You will take a test and then be guided to select the learning courses that are especially designed for your current level. The courses are designed with 12 units including audio, slides, worksheets and unique to Kingston University, videos of USA students in an everyday setting demonstrating the lesson to be taught.
Tutors will help you select your courses:

Basic English 101
Intermediate English 102
Advanced English 103  

All courses use examples that demonstrate getting a job. Job interviews, writing Business letters, the difference between Business English and Casual English, and many more lessons help to prepare you for the work environment while teaching you English 24/7 on YOUR TIME.

100 Basic English:
Learn the basics of the spoken American English language taught by American speakers videotaped in everyday settings. There are twelve lessons and each one includes a slide presentation, worksheet, audio component, video tapes of English used in everyday life.  Lessons 1-3 concentrate on the foundation of the spoken language.  Lessons 4-6 build upon the sound foundation into the learning of commonly used terms. This is followed by lessons 6-12 which increase the new learner’s skills in conversational and written situations. An audio component is a part of each unit.
102 Intermediate English: 
This course assumes that the speaker has a mastery of Basic English and begins with emphasis on the written word. There are 12 lessons and each one includes a slide presentation, worksheet, audio component, video tapes of English used in everyday life.  An emphasis of English in the workplace adds to the everyday language experience.

103 Advanced English: 
This course assumes that the speaker has a mastery of Intermediate English and begins with emphasis on the Business Communication. There are 12 lessons and each one includes a slide presentation, worksheet, audio component, video tapes of English used in everyday life.  An emphasis of formal English as it applies in more structured environments adds to the everyday language experience.

Contact Kingston University USA to find out more about enrolling in an English language course. You will discover that you can live locally and learn globally no matter what your current English abilities are!!!

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