Friday, February 10, 2012

ESL Lesson: Asterisk

This blog entry is all about the asterisk (pronounced as aste-risk). What is the asterisk? The asterisk is a unique symbol used in writing. It is sometimes called star or the star sign since it looks like a star. The asterisk is shaped like this:
So, when and why do we use the asterisk?
  1. An asterisk is used to indicate a footnote*. This tells readers that the writer has additional or more information for readers regarding what the asterisk (*) is next to... 
  2. Asterisks are used to represent *emphasis* or special attention when bold text is not available. This is especially true online, with texting and other electronic writing. 
  3. Asterisks are used in situations where the writer wants to censor or leave out information, either because of foul language or making a name anonymous (either unknown or generic). An example of this: "Our customer, James S********, complained that his computer was malfunctioning."
An asterisk can be made while typing by either pressing the eight button or holding the "FN" or "CTRL" buttons, and then pressing eight (8). I hope this helps you understand the asterisk better. Have you seen or used the asterisk in writing before? 

Do you have any other questions or comments about this or any other ESL subject? Leave them in the comment section and we will answer them. Stay tuned for more free advice on this and other subjects as well as promotions and news!

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*This is an example of a footnote. Footnotes are special messages with extra information on a topic at the bottom or foot of a page.

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