Monday, February 13, 2012

MIT Unveils Free Online Class, is This the Future of Higher Education?

This article is from Geek System
Renowned as a premiere institute of higher learning for the sundry sciences, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology announced a new program that will bring a free version of one of its classes online. The program is called MITx, and the first of its fully automated courses kicks off this fall with 6.002x Circuits and Electronics. In addition to no costs, there are no prerequisites, anyone anywhere can sign up, and will receive a certificate upon completion. Seems like everyone is giving away university courses these days, huh?
As readers will recall, Stanford kicked off the trend for free online learning from major institutions last year with its free A.I. course taught by Sebastian Thrun. The course was, by all accounts, an overwhelming success. So much so that Thrun announced he was leaving Stanford and founding his own free online learning initiative called Udacity, which has quadrupled the number of classes since we last wrote about them.

1 comment:

  1. This is a good news!..many of them were awaiting this opportunity.
