Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Online learning 'an enabler for teaching'

This article is from Virtual College

Online learning courses have been highlighted as a method of enabling teaching by Thomas Buckley, assistant vice-president of academic services at the Wilfrid Laurier University in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.

He noted his educational facility is not in a rush to adapt new forms of technology into the classroom, but pointed out some of the benefits of e-learning for students.

Speaking to IT World Canada, he explained online learning must always be viewed as an enabler for education in an academic context if it is to be a success.

Mr Buckley compared online learning systems to the way similar products are used in the private sector in order to boost productivity for businesses.

"If it's not based on sound pedagogy it's like automating a bad business process. You just make mistakes faster," he told the news provider.

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