Tuesday, February 28, 2012

School District Embarks On Widespread iPad Program To Close Digital Divide

This article by Christopher Sherman of the Huffington Post discusses educational technology involving the iPad. Here is an excerpt:
A Texas school district is trying to close its digital divide by distributing thousands of Apple tablet computers in a move that could make it the largest iPads program for students in the nation.
McAllen Independent School District in the southern part of the state began distributing 6,800 devices this week – mostly the iPad tablet computers, but also hundreds of iPod Touch devices for its youngest students.
By this time next year, the district says every one of its more than 25,000 students in grades K-12 will receive an iPad or iPod Touch. The district believes it's the largest to try for complete coverage and while Apple would not confirm that, other districts the company noted as having made large investments have not made ones as big as McAllen's.
Read the rest of the article here: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/02/27/texas-school-district-emb_n_1305711.html?ref=education

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