Saturday, February 11, 2012

ESL Lesson: Formal English and Informal English

English as a Second Language
Formal English and Informal English
This blog entry is all about formal English and informal English. Two major styles of English, both writing and conversational(or talking), are formal English and informal English.

Formal English is usually used in business, academic and scientific settings, business letters, professional emails or essays. Formal English is viewed by many as more articulate*(well said), professional and sharp.
Here are some characteristics of formal English:
  • Writes in the third person. 
  • Almost never uses the pronoun I, except in business letters. 
  • Does not uses slang or colloquial words or expressions. 
  • Does not use contractions. 
  • Does not use abbreviations. Writes out full words. 
  • Longer and more complex sentences to express ideas. 
  • Oriented towards logic. 
Informal English is usually used in casual, social or non-professional settings, casual emails or letters, and creative expressions such as songs, poems or jokes. Informal English is viewed by many as friendlier, more natural and smooth.
Here are some characteristics of informal English:
  • Often addresses readers with pronouns, sometimes in a friendly way. 
  • Uses first, second, or third person. 
  • Uses abbreviations. 
  • Uses contractions. 
  • Often uses short sentences or even sentence fragments. 
  • Uses slang.
These are a few of the main differences between formal and informal writing. Remember both modes are useful and effective, but in different contexts and settings. Use each one when appropriate. Do you have any other questions or comments about this or any other ESL subject? Leave them in the comment section and we will answer them. Stay tuned for more free advice on this and other subjects as well as promotions and news!
If you want individual tutoring and help in learning English, contact Kingston University USA today!!

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