Wednesday, February 8, 2012

ESL Lesson: Possessive Adjectives

This blog entry is all about possessive adjectives. What are possessive adjectives? They are a type of adjective that describe nouns by showing that they possess something. Here are the seven different possessive adjectives:

My is a possessive adjective that describes that something belongs to the speaker/writer or the pronoun “I.”
I looked at her and said, “My book is on the table next to yours.”
My uncle is visiting me next week.
She said, “I cannot drive today, because my car is being repaired.”

Your is a possessive adjective that describes that something belongs to the pronoun “you.” Remember that “you” can be either singular or plural.
Your pet parrot is so pretty and talkative.
I told the students, “The cleanliness of the classroom is your responsibility.”
We are throwing you a party with cake for your birthday tomorrow!
We are throwing you a party with cake for your birthday tomorrow!

His is a possessive adjective that describes that something belongs to a male noun.
His shirt was dirty after he fell down in the mud at the park today.
I visited his house to welcome him to the neighborhood.
He shared some apples he picked from his apple tree.

Her is a possessive adjective that describes that something belongs to a female noun.
She looked very similar to her mother.
Laura purchased new boots for her upcoming hiking trip.
Ling printed off copies of her business proposal to share with her co-workers.

Its is a possessive adjective that describes that something belongs to things, animals, places, ideas, events or the pronoun it.
The rabbit scratches its ears with its hind legs.
The house is white but its porch is dark brown.
The ethical life is its own reward.

Our is a possessive adjective that describes that something belongs to the pronoun we or a group that includes the speaker/writer.
My sister told me, “Our parents’ wedding anniversary is next week.”
The coach told his team, “Our fate is in our hands!”
Our responsibilities are shared at times.

Their is a possessive adjective that describes that something belongs to a group, multiple persons, animals or things, or the pronoun they.
The wolf cubs played in their den.
The children shared and played with their toys.
The businessmen shined their shoes before going into the meeting.

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